Street Kids

uog4rxbzla8eknzt5ft20z9y0g6mhm59Because of poverty, domestic abuse, demise of parents, war, and natural disaster, the allure of the big city invites children from their villages with dreams of hope and new opportunity, only to discover after they arrive, the cruel reality of the nightmare they’ve just stepped into.

Over 500 children every year are added to these streets of thousands that already exist. Some may find work collecting plastics, shining shoes, or rag-picking,

but most survive on the streets by begging for food and money. Besides the obvious harsh physical conditions these children face everyday, such as lack of shelter, hunger and illness, these children also endure problems and life threats that most of us could never fathom.

The introduction of drugs influenced through peers also living on the street, especially that of an industrial glue that is inhaled for it’s many effects, and the reasons for it’s continuous use; broadly being that of an “escape” mechanism from their daily suffering , is a hugh problem in itself. The bigger problem these kids face and one which helps justifies their need for escapism, is the inhumane way society treats them.

To many they are seen as worthless and revolting. They are ignored and neglected, receiving only the attention of disapproval. The ones that should serve to protect them, don’t and many sadly become victims of child labor and sexual exploitation. These children are at high risk of danger and even murder. Each of them, an innocent child who has had no choice but to endure a life full of pain, sorrow,and torture.

Kids living in the streets of Nepal desperately need your help.

Right now the only help these kids receive is through the service of  non-profits and those that support them.

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