

 ARTBEAT NEPAL is a developing non profit organization dedicated to empowering street and at risk youth through the arts.

Because of stigmatization, social indifference and the unfair treatment associated with such youth, our aim is to motivate self potential of the individual and improve the present status of street and at risk youth as a collective.

Through the collection of donations and funds required, our first goal is to create a studio and recreational space that offers street and at risk youth the opportunity to participate in free art classes, educational programs and workshops. A mobile service will also be implemented bringing art into the streets and offering classes in other areas or venues more accessible to youth. 

Next we want to create a platform that allows youth to have a voice and share their art, talent or craft with others.

Through the production of art shows, exhibits, performances, campaign projects and art sales, our vision is to present street and at risk youth to the public in a way that not only encourages respect and acceptance, but unity in community despite differences.

Because most street and at risk youth lack the proper nutrition,shelter and education needed to thrive, it is also in our interest to provide better living opportunities through sponsorships.


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